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Bookeeper Info



The Board of Control has set the following fees for mileage, which applies to all officials, and is to be based on mileage that is calculated in Arbiter:


1. If an official travels 30-60 miles one-way, they will receive an additional $10.00.

2. If an official travels more than 60 miles one way, they will receive an additional $20.00.

3. If an official travels less than 30 miles one way, no additional fee will be paid.



Invoices will be sent out after home schedule is received. Any other additions to your home schedule after the season has started will be invoiced separately.



                    HS Varsity    HS Junior Varsity         Freshman             Middle School

Volleyball    $140.00.       $5.00 per match     $5.00 per match     $10.00 per match



TOURNAMENT FEES: (Each level is billed separately, Varsity, JV, Freshman)

8 schools or less: $55.00

9-16 schools: $85.00

17-29 schools: $110.00

30-49 schools: $165.00

50 schools or more: $220.00




Change and late fees are assessed after June 22, 2024. If the reason for the change is because a school is unable to field a team, a change fee will not be assessed. However, a 24-hour notice must still be given. Fees will be billed at the end of the season


1: $25.00

2-3: $50.00

4-7: $100.00

8-12: $125.00

12+: $200.00


*Assigner’s fees have been approved by the Board of Controls.

If you have any questions, please email Diane Mann at

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